Artillery Row
Artillery Row and Artillery Road
As the front line was slowly pushed forward, so too was the advance on the flanking high ground, named Gully Spur on the seaward side and Fir Tree Spur on the inland side. Access between these areas was essential and on the right landward side an existing track was developed to become Artillery Road and on the seaward side a path named Artillery Row was cut through the scrub to allow guns and other traffic to move in to and out of the gully. Both Artillery Road and Artillery Row still exist, and you will find their entrances into the gully almost facing each other in the area at the north end of the ‘football field‘, some half way up the gully.
Artillery Road will take you up and out of the gully, emerging near the Alcitepe road north east of Pink Farm on Fir Tree Spur.
A walk up Artillery Row, photo above, onto Gully Spur is well worth it. The path is not overly steep, but it does take a moderate effort. As you ascend you will see a long deep offshoot gully down to your right. This would undoubtedly have been used as an HQ, reserve or storage area during the occupation. It is now deeply overgrown.
As the ground levels off at the top of Artillery Row, you will come to a well-