The Turkish lines

The Turkish lines

The Turkish lines

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Beyond the location of Border Barricade the gully rapidly shallows out and eventually it splits in two, with the Nullah running off to the left. This was an area of intense hand-to-hand fighting and of bombing and mining.  This extreme upper end of the gully was never taken by the allies.

Thousands upon thousands of Ottoman defenders gave their lives to hold back the allied assault in this area and it is not surprising therefore that remains come to light quite often. In 2015, in what appears to be a collapsed tunnel entrance, I came across evidence of a shallow grave in which a shin bone was exposed, below.


Across the other side of the gully I also photographed the structure below. Time did not allow further exploration. This far up the gully, I am assuming it is Turkish, but without further research I cannot even be sure that it is from the 1915 conflict. Any ideas anyone?


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